
We believe 100% of public donations should go directly to the field to fund safe homes. That’s our commitment. Therefore, we have to find another way to cover our operating expenses, and even reimburse credit card fees for online donations.

We depend on private donors and sponsors to cover all of our operating expenses. These donors believe in an unconventional model and  their investment drives our ability to scale, offer a better donor experience, and accomplish our long-term mission. 

Like any startup, we need investors who support our business model. Our investors' ROI is measured in the amount of lives they change, not in a big liquidation event or stock options. 

An investment from Data BlueY Combinator, and HP allows New Story to pass 100% of public donations straight to home projects. We are deeply grateful for our investors’ generosity and vision. They see what could and should be, and believe that technology can help change the world.

Thank you for helping make New Story possible.

If you have a question or would like to hear more about investing email us at